The Evening News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

TWELVE THE EVENING NEWS, HARRISBURG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1923 HERSHEY GIFT STORY CONFIRMED From Page One perfected his plant as far as he could, except for future development as the business grew. Done Very Quietly Then as today all profits went into the business, except for the bonuses paid the 2200 employes. Hershey, long before Ford began bonus payments, was giving his workers 10 per cent. payments based on their annual salaries. He is now paying them quarterly dividends that run as high as 23 per cent.

of their salaries. is revealed for the first time, theistien years companies ago, had when been placed on a paying basis, he turned over all of their stock to the Hershey Industrial School. In 1909, he with Mrs. Catharine S. Hershey, his wife who has since died, filed a certificate of incorporation of the school and deed of the old homestead to the school, in the Dauphin County Courthouse.

The certificate of incorporation, which attracted no attention then, provides for a trust estate and was. so drawn that provision for the action taken later was then made. The school, which received its first pupils in 1910, is open, first to orphans born in Dauphin, Lebanon and Lancaster Counties: second, to those born elsewhere in Pennsylvania; and, third, to those born elsewhere in the United States. Thus, fourteen years ago, Hershey had a definite plan for his school, but it was not until nine years later that he decided to put it into execution that during his he could see it develop as he lifetimes. Loves to Be at School There are but four places in which the manufacturer cares to spend his time.

He is in Europe much of the time and in Cuba during most Winters, but when he is in Hershey he is either in his factory or at' the school-and the principal part of his time while there is spent in his school. an endeavor to make the life of the children as homelike as possible he has done everything to free the school of an institutional air. The new pupils are taken to a house eight miles away from the school group of buildings. There they meet other children and their teachers. Later they are moved into the build- BEWARE THE COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS ON Chronic coughs and persistent colds lead to serious lung trouble.

You can stop them now with Creomulsion, emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with twofold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and kills the germ. Of all known drugs, creosote is recognized by the medical fraternity as the greatest healing agency for the treatment of chronic coughs and colds and other forms of throat 'and lung troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the inflamed membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and destroys the germs that lead to consumption. Creomuision is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other forms of throat and lung diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or the flu.

Money refunded if any cough or cold, no matter of how long standing, is not relieved after taking according to directions. Ask your druggist. Creomulsion Atlanta. Ga. Hill Borough Carlisle Borough, 1st Ward, 1st Borough, 1st Ward.

2 Carlisle Borough, 2nd Ward Carlisle Borough. 3rd Ward. 1st Carlisle Borough, 3d Ward, 2nd Carlisle Borough, 4th Ward. 1st Carlisle Borough, 4th Ward. 2nd Carlisle Borough, 5th Ward Township Dickinson Township, U-per Township.

Lower Prec. Dickinson Township, South Pennsboro Township, U. 1st Pennsboro Township, Enola Pennsboro Township, Summerdale. Pennsboro Township, Lower Hampden Township Hopewell Township Lemoyne Borough, 1st Prec. Lemoyne Borough, 2nd Prec.

Lemoyne Borough, 3rd Prec. Township, Slate Hill Prec. Allen Township, Elkwood Prec. Frankford Township Mifflin Township Borough, 1st Ward Mechanicsburg Borough, 2nd Ward Mechanicsburg Borough, 3rd Ward Mechanicsburg Borough, 4th Ward Mechanicsburg Borough, 5th Ward Middlesex Township Township Holly Springs Borough Newburg Borough Cumberland Borough, 1st Prec. Cumberland Borough, 2nd Prec.

Newton Township, North Prec. Newville Borough, North Ward Newton Township, South Prec. Newville Borough, South Ward Middleton Township Township Shippensburg Borough, East Ward Shippensburg Borough, Middle Shippensburg Borough, West Ward Shippensburg Township Shiremanstown Borough Spring Township, 1st Prec. Spring Township, 2nd Prec. Southampton Township, U.

1st Southampton Township, U. 2nd Southampton Township, Lower Middleton Township, U. Middleton Prec. Middleton Township, 3d Allen Township Frankford Township Mifflin Township Fairview Borough Township, U. Prec.

Pennsboro Township, Prec. Wormleysburg Borough that accommodate but twenty are 120 boys enrolled now is allowed to select his own for each must learn to become self-sustaining. the homestead are the dormimechanical shops, gymnasium playgrounds and later other will be erected as needed. that in a few years there 1000 students enrolled, for the effort of the Hershey comnow is to produce revenue for Provision for Own Needs Hershey Trust Company, the Hershey institution that is not the school trust, is the trustee school. Into this go of all the other companies.

the exception of chocolate none of them any prethis Hershey has most of the prestock in the parent company this he draws money suffifor his personal needs. There few employes profit the preferred stock, for but rest of the earncannot. be conducted by all the companies mom either betterment of the business or school--which is the same thing end. developing the town of HerMr. Hershey was a successful of candy in Lancaster.

cramped for space and tried large tracts land near LanThe owners boosted the price, and then he began buying in What Does Mean To You? Does the rate of interest which a bond pays convey any particular meaning to you, or can you discover in the rate the fundamental facts which make one security a good investment and another security, paying the same rate, an investment of lower grade? The scientist, studying the jaw bone of some prehistoric animal, can reconstruct the whole skeleton from that minute bit of evidence. He knows what goes with that particular kind of jaw-bone. A rate goes with Southern first mortgage bonds of the highest grade. That is the rate prevailing in Southern cities. When you are considering Miller Bonds, don't miss the sig.

nificance of the fact that they are created in the South, where money earns more. Write or call for an interesting folder, "Why the South Offers Investment Opportunities." INCORPORATED, C. 507 STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PENN. New York, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Atlanta, Memphis, Knoxville Florida Oranges and Grapefruit Those Sweet Juicy Kind.

Buy 'em off the Orange Car by the Peck or Bushel Peck, 75c Bushel, $2.75 Grapefruit, 85c Car located on Market Street opposite Reading Station LANCASTER LEWIS GROWERS AND SHIPPERS BARTOW FLA. ELECTION RETURNS IN CUMBERLAND CO. of Courts of Wills Treasurer A A wood. A R. P.

Hertzler. Green Grove, Stickel, Hess. Fry, 297 408 261 262 387 301 254 201 315 273 252 320 222 340 322 317 272 201 299 240 200 147 231 290 295 395 4 6 45 18 661 47 81 19 83 169 87 175 324 173 288 65 39 63 66 34 69 96 80 92 102 52 118 117 148 108 136 159 127 126 118 126 76 140 60 130 216 139 64 43 81 85 56 107 164 179 138 180 267 141 90 162 78 106 163 179 157 146 178 117 211 190 209 209 218 194 234 62 29 53 89 207 93 158 182 189 163 50 159 180 160 250 91 43 117 133 114 178 160 78 181 159 183 276 156 110 182 159 161 190 138 161 166 63 97 63 56 167 28 115 74 112 155 81 187 46 32 73 91 36 87 145 35 159 123 93 193 215 188 267 21 13 20 145 111 188 102 52 121 89 28 100 252 295 236 106 84 170 170 108 219 108 121 interest in the election, only about 4200 more persons voted in the election than in the last primary where the total vote in the county was 25,900. In the city the election tracted about 3000 more than the primary, gave in the contest for mayor where the election vote dumped off nearly 1000. Strictly independent candidates did not poll many votes.

County Commissioner Holstein, who was defeated in the Democratic primaries and stood AS an indenpedent with the hope of diverting votes from Ramsey Black and in adding votes to the organiaztion candidates came out of the contest with 3126. In many places Holstein was openly urged on the voters by organization voters. In some places he was paired with Stine; in other places with Cumbler. It is believed that in most instances Holstein vot- erg instead of supporting Whitman or Black along with Holstein supported either Stine or Cumbler. The Holstein Votes Under such circ*mstances 1t 1s easy demonstrate that had the votes cast for Holstein and one of the organization candidates had been given to both Black and Whitman, the votes of Stine and Cumbler might have been cut down sufficiently to have elected not only Black but Whitman also, As the returns are they give some color to the statement that since the purpose of Holstein WAS to help the machine with whom he Is on good terms, the effect of it might easily have been the defeat of the two candidates of the Democratic party of which he pretends to be a member.

The other independent candidates, Fry, a Republican, for city controller, stood after, Bayles, the organization candidate and ahead of Enders, the Democratic nominee. Had the 4345 votes of Fry been comhined with the 3688 votes of Enders it would have been sufficient by twenty-seven votes on the face of the returns to have defeated Bayles. Behney for city treasurer polled 88 an Independent 1822 votes as against 4055 for Miller, the Democrat, and Bretz, the organization candidate with 10,077. Will Give Decision in Habeas Corpus Case Judge Wickersham is to give a decision this afternoon in habeas corpus proceedings for the release of William West, Pittsburgh circus man, who is being by Sheriff Karmany pending extration proceedings for his delivery to Ohio authorities. Testimony was heard in the habeas corpus action this morning.

West was arrested here on charges of false pretense preferred by Charles Massa and John Massa, of Portsmouth, Ohio. They allege they loaned $3500 to West pay off his circus actors, believing West owned the circus, which he gave as security on a note for the amount of the loan. West denies the charge and alleges he is to be extradited for a debt. If West is released by the Dauphin County court the extradition proceedings will be non-effective. The Patrio Harrisburg's' Want-Ad Directory Read for Profit- Use for Results Read for Profit- Use for Results RELIEF FROM QUICK COUGHS FOLEY'S TAR ESTABLISHED 1875 140 Property Transfers Recorded Here Today Forty realty transfers are recorded today, the largest number for some time.

They follow: C. F. Coppenhaver to Warren B. Ziegler, 2652 North Sixth street, 8500; Earl V. Compton to Edna Keefer, Highspire; D.

P. Corenitz H. Swelgard, Halifax Township; Frank P. Radle to William H. Swelgard, 1409 North street; David F.

Bauder to Gilbert U. Rupp, 1907 State street, $7500; Rudolph B. Behm to Charles M. Weiss, Derry Township; Mary E. Boas Estate to Lena Cohen, Walnut and River streets, $6000; Maurice Berman to William F.

Houser, Middletown: Lee Roy Fleming to George M. Fritchey, Middletown; P. W. Fetterhoff to William J. Evans, Susquehanna Township; F.

M. Alexander Estate to Frances Nye, South Hanover Township; T. H. Hamilton to William J. Lyme, Vernon street, Ninth Ward, $2500; Bates Alexander to F.

M. Alexander, South Hanover Township, $373; Samuel M. Sarch to Leon P. oder, 2009 Penn street, $1000: William H. Sweigard to Frank P.

Radie, Halifax Township; William H. Sweigard to Frank P. Radle, 1409 North street: William S. Harris to Tripner, Paxtang; Strickler to Miles, W. Shope, Hummelstown, $5000; J.

S. Bashore Estate to Charles W. Umholtz, Second street and Concord alley; $2525; H. B. Raysor to HI' J.

Diederich, Susquehanna Township; Samuel R. Ream to W. Stanton Harris. 101 Evergreen street, John H. Landis to Emma E.

Emrich, Hummelstown, $400; George S. Bolton to Edwin E. Hummelstown: John H. Tripner to William S. Harris, Steelton; Edwin E.

Bolton to Harry Swope, Hummelstown, $550; Edwin B. Harris to John H. Tripner, Paxtang; W. J. Evans to P.

W. Fetterhoff, Susquehanna Township; Mary' J. to 0. C. Stouffer, 1847 North street; Harry B.

Reed to Charles E. Biever, Susquehanna Township: Leon P. Yoder to Maude E. Yoder, 2009 Penn street: W. Ziegler to P.

D. Strickler, 2403 Norfth Sixth street, $7500; W. F. Keever to Amos Hedges, Middletown; J. E.

Keefer to Earl V. Compton, Highspire; Joseph A. Koons to Ross M. Books, Susquehanna Township; Emil R. Kern to Wiliam F.

Houser, Middletown: M. A. Klinefelter to George Grimes, Stelton: Elizabeth Helm William F. Steever, Middletown, $700; Percy L. Grubb to Sarsh Goldstein.

1301-03 North Sixth street, $10,000. Judge of District Superior Court Attorney Pro. A P. Henderson, vi Nelson. Miller, A Myers 4921 370 293 400 301 220 281 209 315 253 310 2551 328 408 231 306 363 338 216 284 302 305 231 288.

248 145 215 128 249 314 339 310 374 7 5 10 3 32 54 41 51 49 68 46 72 22 80 94 158 15 55 216 240 241 18 111 401 45 47 6 24 84 37 65 631 92 84 78 631 104 68 89 CO 62 103 147 95 58 204 153 114 68 216 120 118 34 217 83 115 244 115 41 76 41 78 61 93 ..182 110 CON 143 170 2421 139 208 203 154 88 138 34 136 130 242 136 00 115 187. 156 04 146 179 310 183 220 188 192 205 29 58 31 671 74 197 133 7891 140 155 200 70 124 61 142 141 254 37 97 136 134 115 83 182 84 171 170 192 3 1681 211 113 179 193 147 155 190 180 157 163 110 46 100 67 86 105 76 99 70 108 1001 145 5 88 167 60 45 62 62 82 85 36 88 54 133 8 55 136 125, 141 116 167 212 221 130 263 11 20 14 19 106 147 49 116 30 94 32 94 295 225 5 192 355 62 142 113 196 101 228 134 81 71 154 land around the farm of his birth- place. Growth of the Companies Today the company owns 7500 acres in Dauphin, Lebanon and Lancaster Counties and one farms operated in connection with the chocolate plant are hundreds of cows which produce milk for the candy. There also are almost as many horses and sufficient motor vehicles of all sorts to make up several motor truck trains for any army. Out of the necessities of the parent company grew the other companies.

There was no population at Hershey when it was started, and so the Hershey Transit Company was formed to carry the employes from surrounding communities. This company today has thirty-five miles of track and it is che only trolley company in Pennsylvania that has never increased its fares above the to original five cents. As the chocolate company developed a creamery and a condensing company were formed and as the town grew, water and electric companies were started. Then came a department store company and two companies in New York to look after jobbing and exporting. Mr.

Hershey found he could grow his own sugar in Cuba cheaper than he could buy It and he bought and leased land until today one of the Cuban Hershey companies controls more than 50,000 acres. Plan Kept a The Hershey Cuban Railway Company, operating more 100 miles of tracks, grew out of the need for quicker transportation and from this developed a terminal railroad at Havana. A Cuban sugar company was then formed and so great has been the output of the refineries that the United States Government finds it more convenient to keep custom at Hershey than to check up upon the imports at the ports of entry. Mr. Snyder, who has been chief counsel for Hershey since the early 90'8 and who has attended to all of the details of the business and the school, said to THE EVENING NEWS that it was two years after the properties had been merged into a trust for the school before anybody knew of the intentions of Mr.

Hershey. Then the Washington income tax experts got inquisitive, but they were soon satisfied that there was nothing wrong, for the companies still paid the usual taxes. There was no blare of trumpets about the philanthropy, and while a few men in Washington knew of it, plan of the foundation of one of the wealthiest schools in the country has been a secret up to the present. ONLY ONE HALF OF REGISTERED ELECTORS VOTE Returns from Tuesday's election indicate that out of a total of 61,500 registered electors In the city and county, less than half actually exercised their right of franchise. In other words half the people went to the polls and expressed themselves as to who should hold office whereas the other half remained at home, or at least, did not vote.

of this 61,500.4 there are enrolled in the boroughs and townships of the county where personal registration 1s not in force a few more than 40.000, the remaining 21,000. registered in the city. The highest vote polled. for a county office was a little more than 30.000; for a city office, about 16,000 30.000 that in the city, 5000 voters did not go to the polls and in the county, there were about 5,000 stay-at: homes. It is felt that in the unfavorable weather explanation may be found for some of the absent voters, thought Indifference is accepted 88 the reason that applies to most of those whose ballots were not cast.

Rain is usually more harmful to a an independent vote than good weather. The machine is organized to get all Its vote, no matter what the weather is. The stay-at-homes 18 generally. known, accept rain or other unnot pleasant casting too a conditions as an excuse for Few More Than Primary Despite the seeming wide-spread County Commissioners County Auditor A A P. A P.

A R. Musser. Cochlin. Deitz. R.

Day, Burgett, 378 325 377 371 203 200 240 245 362 353 307 300 212 284 130 131 3071 297 7. 6 39 41 43 18 15 103 75. 153 292 35 55 29 33 73 59 43 91 137 110 151 113 90 169 99 211 192 42 41 65 66 165 104 219 137 160 116 143 93 126 70 146 151 204 1881 182 187 29 42 213 171 199 171 57 95 36 89 134 164 80 79 141 234 861 188 138 261 120 252 79 126 119 96 78 60 90 78 291 77 12 104 45 86 107 114 1971 191 12 13 97 86 57 274 256 70 75 101 120 117 376 3781 224 295 373 366 296 300 307 215 189 309 311 343 251 254 320 267 294 370 393 274 257 287 319 311 273 2381 245 285 269 241 232 235! 139 149 294 341 3671 305 303 340 5 9 5 101 48 68 42 24 66 79 44 37. 76 86 20 23 174. 152 87 78 165 260 225 172 191 259 52 33 33 49 72 59 35 22 691 1251 75 77 73 85 83 891 69 45 93 136 109 128 139 105 150 127 135 143 114 141 122 106 96 123 76 118 107 74 139 1171 206 198 121 76 79 43 39 78 86 87 68 63 90 236 115 168 164 120 296 146 237 209 146 126; 57 147.

130 88 901 154 105 239 152. 1261 155 172 169 147 129 185 233 196 220 220 185 226 192 196 225 52 55 31 33 55 89 67 196 176 76 170 139 192 168 162 117 125 94 55 108 72 92 59 42 79 1801 182 186 138 106 172 178 84 80 177 217 214 195 138 180 177 135 114 136 160 156 142 100 110 151 139 128 41 44 97 98 44 106 120 126 41 120 91 701 103 169 139 88 80 167 36 52. 43 23 39 55 48 34 20 73 109 122 51 46 132 142 176 123 109 160 252 248 203 225 18 25 13 8 20 126 114 99 125 99 113 66 49 108 86 96 39 27 92 253 249 287 243 251 126 1151 971 57 115 207 112 101 212 1061 90 92 OBITUARY MISS VIOLET E. HOLLINGER Miss Violet E. Hollinger, 22 years old, died this morning at her home, 1614 Regina street.

She was graduated from Central High School, with the class of 1919. She had been an instructor of Spanish at the Hershey Industrial Home, an instructor in the Hershey Y. M. C. and a member of the Stevens Memorial M.

E. Church. She is survived by her A parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J.

Hollinger. The funeral services will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. Howard Ake, Stephens Memorial Church officiating. Burial will be in the St. John's Cemetery.

ISAAC LONTZ Isaac Lontz, 74 years old, a retired farmer, died at his home, 3402 Brisbane street, Paxtang, last evening. Ho is survived by a wife, Louise; one daughter, Mrs. E. A. Stouffer, of Penbrook; one son, George W.

Lontz, of Williamsport; one grandchild and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 m. at the home, the Rev. Harry B. King.

pastor of Paxton Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES Mervin T. McIntyre, Emigsville, and Laura M. Miller, Enola.

Frank G. Gerlock, and Bessie V. Daniel, Harrisburg. John W. Keegan, Batavia, N.

and Grace E. Moore, Lemoyne. Jacob L. Lamason, Penbrook, and Myrtle V. Herman, Lower Paxton Hownship.

Frank X. Neumayer and Mary A. Daugherty. Chester White Association. In Session Here Today The National Chester White Record Association 18 holding its annual meeting at the Department of Agriculture today.

At the close of the annual meeting, those. who are interested in the breedIng of Chester Whites in Pennsylvania will hold a meeting to consider the organization of a Pennsylvania Chester White Breeders' Association, for the purpose of co-ordinating brood interests, to co-operate in boys and girls' club work, in the conduct of Chester White sales, and in helping county fair, officials on Chester White show classifications. Dr. H. H.

Havner, In charge of Animal Husbandry Extension at the Pennsylvania State College, has done much to build up hog breeding in this State and attended the meeting. County Director of the Poor Surveyor A R. P. R. pi Throne.

vyanus Helsey. Bitner. Bryan. Mowery, 248 271 401 278 232 295 267 224 398 201 213 313 205 160 333 343 4 8 49 35 681 48 74 21 160 94 277 244 46 41 63 33 73 83 99 51 113 123 1231 128 127 102 118 115 188 77 50 90 66 106 153 146 218 701 99 150 142 124 163 163 188 229 215 194 57 32 80 186 145 177 120 69 92 49 110 130 167 97 220 178 202 166 170 162 62 105 50 123 99 73 143 108 81 66 84 30 142 53 137 145 238 233 21 14 124 1091 102 72 92 34 240 2501 130 82 194 127 94 103 2731 266 3631 294 298 390 278 189 287 295 218 286 233 822 307 251 337 339 272 274 401 232 273 222 224 293 224 139 217 216 142 220 287 339 357 320 337 5 8 27 51 60 31 57 43 631 71 45 62 20 73 19 73 79 158 175 83 180 82 404 183 177 314 31 53 461 40 54 29 65 67 38 63 76 78 17 79 42 99 102 53 107 113 123 1261 128 116 120 140 134 129 138 88 142 127 105 132 108 75 72 124 74 185 147 1341 197 151 42 701 78 38 77 50 801 107. 153 144 128 142 155 224 173 138 187 199 143 83 80 138 99 137 120 105 142 110 126 164 113 166 152 192 187.

144 169 201 200 190 221 181 189 227 224 195 224 30 53 53 33 51 165 104 88 97 171 165 159 168 181 36 122 132 63 124 196 251 164 114 85 168 222 118 50 82 8530 162 159 149 150 108 51 122 52 74 99 99 150 52 50 30 78 51 136 113 140 209 233 10 22 105 133 64 103 25 97 267 255 64 173 116 194 114 104 Others here, in addition to the officers of the association, are: Edward Walter, of West Chester, one of the oldest Chester White breeders in the United States; Mr. and Mrs. Forest, Brandywine Manor, Greer Dane, Downingtown; C. E. Cassel, Hershey; Davis Garrott, West Chester, and Pusey Cloud, Kennett Square.

No Need to Be Dyspeptic Ir Stomach Sours, Gets Gassy and Heavy, Sweeten and Lighten With Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets One never grows too old to forget the delights of eating. And yet old people will sometimes play on these memories and bring on dyspeptic attacks even though the diet be simple. Every family should be supplied with Dyspepsia Tablets. From childhood to old age they daily overcome and prevent the distresses due to indigestion. They sweeten the stomach by giving it the alkaline effect as in health, they absorb the gases, they lift off the feeling of heaviness, they stop sour risings or heart burn, they actually assist in the digestion of food, and from all points of view are one of the most invaluable aids to health to be found.

So, no matter what you eat, if your stomach rebels, always remember that a 60-cent box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will keep your stomach sweet and thus aid to prevent much of the distress that comes late in life. State Charter Issued to Two Water Power Firms VOTING Camp Cooke E. E. E. E.

L. Lower Lower Monroe Mt. N. N. North Penn Silver Silver S.

S. 6. Upper Upper West W. W. Ings students.

There and each trade, About tories, and buildings is estimated will be primary panies the school. The only part of of the the profits company ferred Mr. ferred and from cient are a through corporation one man, ings into the the in the Before shey, manufacturer He felt to buy caster. however, 403 370 250 324 389 371 316 142 365 51 57 20 113 190 44 37 78 65 141 161 121 147 214 45 69 176 2421 157 143 140 239 212 42 215 1911 76 205 72 170 95 252 138 174 164 101 127 61 60 63 42 70 299 9 116 87 43 291 88 142 108 254 341 275 271 284 227 245 240 340 19 45 64 91 155 311 55 64 86 99 114 128 124 66 107 72 84 142 168 79 111 164 191 181 218 53 83 173 131 -191 88 1221 165 148 152 173 163 67 57 119 220 60 81 94 166 26 139 84 83 2481 115 164 371 440 276 316 444 408 3521 183 4151 7 49 54 22 96 180 36 36 69 63 134 141 119 119 223 53 69 165 222 150 160 126 153 226 212 35 199 199 80 211 66 162 109 239 128 185. 185 106 125 66 114 58 32 52 156 246 13 106 69 38 281 94 154 110 Two water power companies with Samuel W.

Fleming, 'of this city, as treasurer, were incorporated today at the State Department. The companies are the Watts Water Company and the Juniata River Water Power Company, both with headquarters here, Incorporators are Farley Gannett, Theodore E. Seelye and J. D. Carpenter, of this city.

The capital stock is $5000 each. A charter was also issued today to the Goodyear Shoe Company, Carlisle, $250,000 capital stock. Frank Payne, of this city, is the treasurer and one of the incorporators, the others being Goodyear, Carlisle, and L. M. Shepp, Millersburg.

COLDS Break a Cold Right Up with "Pane's Cold Compound" Take two tablets every three hours 44 63 78 133 146 137 99 121 65 79 34 16 451 99 193 11 117 39 42 233 40 94 until three doses are taken. The first dose always gives relief. The second and third doses completely break up the cold. Pleasant and safe to take. Contains no quinine or opiates.

Millions use "Pape's Cold Compound." Price, thirty-five cents. Druggists guarantee it. 177 160 51 65 102 1521 42 89 131 129 215 19 62 100 93 279 111 173 143 50 43 94 143 58 87 138 157 246 20 124 120 103 254 157 Che best way to begin a Califomia winter Santa Fe Ired Harvey "all the way" Santa Fe superior service and scenery plus Fred Harvey meals -your assurance of a pleasant trip Pullmans via Grand Canyon National Park open all the year 226. Pullman and R. C.

Smith. Gen. Agent G. C. Dillard, Dist.

Pass. Agent ent A. T. S. F.

Ry. 602 Finance Philadelphia, Pa Phone: Locust 6424 UV 215 Walnut St. State Juniper 13th Derry SHOPS, Incorporated Green Perfer 15th Market Green Forster SURPRISE 21st Derry Mechanicsburg 18th Helen Main Store: 215 Walnut Street Camp Hill 18th Briggs Shiremanstown 13th Berryhill SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY New Cumberland 27th Derry Lemoyne Wright's Silver Cream, Veal Chops or Roast, Blue large jar, 196' Chuck Roast ValBUTTER ley But- Kingan Sugar Cured Reliable California Lima Beans, ter, Hams (half or whole), 2 Pasteurized 58c Bulk Rice .3 Fould's Goods, Special- Hostotter's Dried CornSlices of Ham Stock up on rice you will save money. Noodles, Macaroni or Spa- Sugar Cured Roulettes. Small pkg.

ghetti ...3 pkgs. Pork Chops or Roast, Large pkg. Extra Standard Tomatoes, Local Dressed Fresh Hams, Red Head Matches, 2 large cans, whole 5 boxes, Stringless Beans .2 cans, Fresh Pork Shoulder, square Liquid Veneer Furniture Whole Beets small and ten- cut (whole) Medium bottle ...25 Polishder White Potatoes Large bottle Jersey Bluing bottle, Pin Money Mixed Pickles, Imported (Belgium) Peas, These are high-grade potatoes. large bottle, can, Doxsee Clam Soup, can, A A.

The Evening News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


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