Stockport Express from Stockport, Greater Manchester, England (2024)

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Stockport, Greater Manchester, England

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STOCKPORT EXPRESS THURSDAY DECEMBER 26 1985 PAGE ELEVEN Sn Jflrmortam MASON In loving memory of Richard Mason who died Dee 25 1932 From his Wife and Family POLICE-COURT FRIDAY BAHHATT In loving memory of our dear on Harold who died Dec 22 1926 Loved dearly in life and living yet In the hearts of hose who will never forget Prom Mother Father and Family 28 (Jill-street Hrinnington RENSHAW Treasured memories of my dear husband William passed away Dec 25 1931 We think of you to-day yesterday and will forever" Wife anil Daughters 35 Bloom -street Kdgeley STOCKPORT -OPERATIVE SOCIETY In loving memory of Wilfred who died Dec 25 1924 Just when his hopes were brightest God called him to rest From Mother Father and Leslie 3 Potts street Edgeloy A token of love and remembrance to a dear Husband and Father who lell asleep Dee 24 1934 also son isaae died Nov 9 191b The knowledge of having had your love and goodness is beautiful Hut the sorrow and loneliness in the parting is unspeakable From his loving Wife and daughter Annie 78 Shaw-road 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 a 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Limited CYCLE CLUB RUNS Saturday--Stockport impromptu National Clarion CO Section Helshv and Dclnmere: meet Armoury Square 9-30 am prompt start "inch Mrs Wade's Mill House Acton Stockport CTC Mine Ladies of Stanton: 9 15 am (via Hazel Grove) lunch Baslow tea Monyash The Ridge 10-30 am (via Bramhnll): lunch Outpost Ra mow tea Throstles Nest Sutton RAMBLES New Year's Day Field Club Bollington leader Mr Brown: 9-30 a bus Mersey Square to Bollington (return tare Is 8d): carry lunch 1 ROYLANCE In loving memory of our dear Mother who died Dec 25 1934 Years of hardship little of play Loving and giving and smoothing the way Kind and unselfish a mother so true Our proudest possession is the memory of you From her loving Children 66 Wellington-road North Her hopes that were lost in life's journey Will lie gained in the City of Rest Remembrance" From sister Alice Ernie and Joan Loving memories silently treasured" From his loving daughter Alice son-in-law Bob and granddaughter Betty Treasured To-day brings back a memory of a loved one gone to rest" From his loving daughter Nellie son-in-law Toe and grandson Robert His absence an unspeakable sorrow" From his loving son and daughter-in-law Joe and Jessie 28 Clwyd-avenue All the best for the New Year can be purchased thro the 13 Club WHAT IT IS I WHAT YOU DO Before Sir Thomas ltowbolham (presiding) Air Win Johnston Mr Taylor Mr Hopkins Mr Mr Brown and Mr II Gregory SHOPBREAKING CHARGES AGAINST YOUTHS Joseph Roylance (18) of Wellington-road North and a boy of 14 were before the Court on a charge of breaking and entering the lock-up shop 42-44 and stealing five pairs of shoes a pair of slippers 14 pairs of artificial -ilk stockings four pairs of socks 13 pairs of hoot laces and a tin of 50 cigarettes of the value oi £4 13s JtOd the I property of England and Sons on Wee 19 Constable Carpenter said at 11-55 pm he was at the rear of 42 and 44 1 and found the hack door insecure On enter- I ing the premises he heard the rustling of paper and also heard footsteps He listened for several minutes and then saw Roy-lame leaving the premises with several parcels and accompanied by the hoy He arrested Roy-lance and later went to the home of the hov who admitted being in the shop He took the I boy to the Police Station where they were charged with the offence and replied "Nothing SINGLETON In loving memory of a dear Husband and Father who passed away Dee 26 1931 As we loved him so we miss him In our memory he is always near Loved remembered longed for always Bringing many a silent tear From loving Wife and Daughters 104 IIcs-keth -street BELFIELD Sweet memories of my dear sister Lily died Dee 25 1926 and of my Mother Worthy of everlasting From lleaty Winnie Joe and Fred Whatever else we fail to do We never fail to think of you From son James and daughter-in-law Alice BENNETT In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Mary Ellen who died Dee 26 1934 God saw the rugged cross-way Was getting hard to climb So He closed her weary eyelids And whispered be From Husband Jessie and Bill Loved and remembered From daughter Gerty son-in-law Sam and Grandchildren Supposing you wish to pay 5 a week you may after paying 15- at once or at the end of three weekly payments of 5- each have goods to the value of 65 You would therefore simply be paying 5- each week for 13 weeks You could of course take up fewer or more shares according to your needs or desire There ie no charge for Joining the Club The prioee obtaining in all Dopartmanto rule in all tram actions and full dividand ie paid on all Club purohasos The 13 Club commences on Tuesday Next December 31st in our Drapery Tailoring Boot Shoe and Furnishing Departments and we suggest 1 hat i will pa)' you to lake full advantage of our Easy System The Club is a 13 weeks' Club and any member may take up the requisite number of shares After payment of the lirst three amount you can secure in any of the above-mentioned Departments the full value of your Club JOIN the is CLUB at any Grocery Branch or at any of our Drapery Tailoring Boot and Shoo or Furniehing Departments 0 a 3 0 0 ft 1 ft 0 ft ft ft ft ft 0 I ft ft i A silent star shines on the grave Of one we loved but could uot save From daughter Alice and Son-in-law and Family God gives us friends and that means much But far above all others The greatest of His gifts to earth Was when He gave us mother From Madge and Tom If I could speak to her some day Laugh with her in the same old" way Hear her voiee and see her smile Then life to me would bo worth while Von often said I would miss you mother Those words have proved so true I lost the dearest friend I had Dear mother when I lost yon From Albert and Olssie STOKES In loving memory of dear Father who died Dee 22 1934 Remembrance is a golden chain That links us till we meet again From daughter May and Family 53 Dum-barton-road Reddish END THE OLD YEAR WELL BY PREPARING FOR THE NEW At night when the stars are shining Over a silent grave There lies our dear one sleeping Whoso memory will never fade Florric and Shep and Grandchildren STOCKPORT COLLEGE UNION CYCLING CLUB On Sunday a few dauntless collegiuns turned out for yet another run Conditions were anything but nice under wheel but a blew sky and pleasant nippiness in the air called us forth from our homes We proceeded slowly and cautiously to Hazel Grove for a slight thaw and the early morning traffic bound for Buxton and the snow-clad hills had churned the fall ol snow into a brown slushy semi-liquid semisolid The road improved slight! after leaving the tram-track and Boynton was reached after numerous skids and side-slips One member did turn out but found that it took up too much time re-mounting the bike after a succession of falls He forsook wheels and donned boots a very sensible idea too The party increased at Poynton and so did the baggage for it was the occasion of the annual Christmas Dinner of the Cycling and Rambling Sections of the Lfnion This necessitated packing the ie crackers streamers and other party sidelines We carried on steadily but slowly- making headway Macclesfield being reached about 12 A halt was called to decide the venue of tho lunch place Our minds were soon made up and so to the Arms at Sutton Conversation roamed over different aspects of cycling finally- coming to rest in calm philosophy it being unanimously agreed that the mind was responsive to psycho-suggestion We ended in lighter vein winning all the games of skittles Out once more on the snow-carpeted roads We climbed to Clewlow Cross 'ere a descent brought us to Dane Bridge Feeling adventurous we chose Bearda Hill for our route and after much walking and riding we finally arrived at the Fox Inn Rushton in tine fettle for the Christmas Dinner We were greeted with a hail of snowballs from an over-exuberant advance party of ramblers who were also taking delight in tobogganing behind an oil Wo sat down 24 strong hut the noise and high spirits of the collegians did credit for a hundred Dinner was followed bv a programme of games and competitions' arranged by the himself and always to the fore proposed a vote of thanks to which we all replied in the appropriate manner The evening proved a very jolly one the only- mar being that we had to leave about It was a case of main-roading it home and we did very well to complete the hazardous journey- in two and a half hours The Cycling and Rambling Sections of the College have managed to keep going and we 'eKlrtns to commit a felony on Dec 20 George Doors I Kinds a Happy and 1 rospeious shuttleworth Leah (24) of Back Brook-street New Year which will assuredly be theirs if Hyde: Herbert Smith (26) of they follow the grand pastimes of the countryside those of a pair of wheels and a pair of boots Cadian to Later he and Sergeant Watson found til the rear of the premises two tools which fitted marks on the door ()n ihe application of the Chief Constable tin accused were remanded for seven days and they were informed that they would gerto a remand home EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT Twelve drivers of motor cars and motor evcles were before the Court for exceeding the 50-ui ilo speed limit in built-up areas in Wcl-lingtoii-road North and other main thorough-fans The speeds ranged from 40 to 48 miles an hour Fines ranging from 20s to 55s were imposed A WRONG IMPRESSION Mary Jane Stocklev of Higher Brinkswav was summoned for having in Iter possession two loaves the nett weight of which was not an integral number of lbs on Nov 26 Mr Moore assistant solicitor to the Corporation said an inspector visited shop and weighed a number of loaves and the summons was in respect of a loaf 35 ozs deficient ill weight and another loaf 21 ozs Defendant appears to have been under llte impression that she could sell home-made bread as twopenny or lourpenny loaves It had been necessary to institute these proceedings as a warning to other shopkeepers Leslie Hough a weights and measures in- spector who gave evidence said defendant told him she had only been baking for seven weeks Defendant was ordered to pay costs 8ATURDAY Before Mr Forster (presiding) Mr Bramhall and Mr Scott A SAFE HIDING-PLACE Harry Harrop Bowden (38) of Hall-street was charged with stealing a box of horse nails value 13s 9d the property of Leah and Rowbotluuii James Herbert Moseley a warehouseman in the employ of the firm said in the afternoon of Dec 17 he placed a box of horse-shoe nails on the floor in the warehouse Next morning in consequence of a statement made to him he went to the warehouse and found the nails were missing The police were informed Walter Stansficld of Great Egerton-street said he went to Leah and to make a purchase and saw accused with a box of nails under his arm coming out of the shop Detective Sykes said he saw accused at the Police Station and in reply to his questions he said I took the nails and hid them: I was going to sell them later" He recovered the box of nails from a cistern in a yard off Pevcv -street Accused told him where it was Accused pleaded guilty and was hound over for six months in the sum of £5 HID IN THE RAFTERS On a charge of breaking into the Go-operative Stores Gorton-road Reddish with intent Market-street Hyde and William Baxter (23) of Charles-street Hyde were remanded in custody for seven days Constable Rushton said at 11-30 pm he was IIIMHSIIININiainilSIllWNNIMIB THORLEY Treasured memories of mv dearly-loved wife and mother Charlotte Clarke Tborley who fell asleep Dee 24 1933 Time heals they say no doubt it does But memories last and so does love Sadly missed by her Husband 30 Travis street Memory is a golden chain Which binds us till we meet again From son Fred Wife and Family 32 Hardnian-street She suffered much and murmured not We watched her day by day Grow less and less with aching hearts Until she passed away From daughter Annie and Joe 24 Farmer-street BENNETT In loving remembrance of my dear Mother who died Dec 26 1934 A loving mother so true so rare The trials she went through few could bear She never complained she wasn't that kind She was one of those mothers hard to find From her loving Daughter Son-in-law and Grandsons 32 Alldis-streef 0 3 0 ft ft 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 ft 0 ftt 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 ft 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 ft A i i a jr 0 a 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 i I In loving memory of my dear wife Lilian (Lily) who died Dec 24 1933 This day brings back a memory Of a loved one laid to rest And those who think of her to-day Are those who loved her best Remembrance is a golden chain That links us till we meet again From loving husband Jack 170 Old-road EMPORIUM AND CHEADLE DRAPERY We Commence Our MANTLE MILLINERY SALE With The New Quarter Our Sale will open at 2-30 prompt on Monday Afternoon December 30th (PLEASE NOTE THE TIME) THORLEY In loving memory of Charlotte Clarke Thorlcy who died Dec 24 1933 To-day brings hack a memory Of a loved one laid to rest From son Jack and Betty 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 ft ft ft ft jr In loving memory of my dear Wife Margaret who died Dec 27 1933 aged 59 A silent thought brings many a tear For one we miss and love so dear From Husband and Family 7 Albert-street Cliestergate In loving memory of my dear mother Jane Walker who died Dee 23 1933 also my dear Dad who died Feb 27 1919 Not just a day but every day In silence we remember From daughter Bortlia son-in-law Will 84 Bridgelicld -street BROWN In loving memory of Ernest Brown died Dee 28 1932 Thoughts return each Xiuas-time To the one we loved so well In silence he suffered without a protest But God saw it all and look him to rest From Mother Father and Sisters 48 Loving memories of my dear Mother who passed away Dec 23 1933 also my dear Father who passed away Feb 27 1919 One by one earth's ties are Never From daughter Annie 5 Disley-street STOCKPORT PUBLIC LIBRARIES THIS LIST OF BOOKS ADDED TO THE CENTRAL LIBRARY CHERRY Treasured memories of my dear Dad who died Dee 27 1934 You often said I would miss you Your words have proved too true I lost tho dearest friend 1 luid Dear dad when I lost you From loving daughter Mary Not good-bye granddad dear Just good-night God bless" Baby Irene FUR TRIMMED COATS from 25- to 986 Ulttrimmed Coats from 1411 100 AFTERNOON GOWNS at 1411 Usually 2511 to 45 CHILDREN SCHOOL COATS at 1811 40 KNITTED SUITS at HALF-PRICE 30 TWEED COSTUMES at 1411 OUR POPULAR GABERDINE SHOWERPROOF COAT Sale Price 2711 and Out-size at 30- examining the Co-operative premises and found Smith in a passage at the rear He questioned him but not being satisfied with his answers he detained him Hearing a noise in the store he sent for assistance and on a search being made Leah and Baxter were found hiding in the rafters in the storeroom On being charged with the offence Leah replied Quite Smith said I was there hut did not go in" and Baxter replied We are fools" In Smith's pos- session was a flash lamp and in an accordion case belonging to Smith was a bayonet UPSET BY ACCIDENT A fine of 7s 6d was imposed on Willis Howard (37) of Wellington-road Heaton i Chapel for being drunk and disorderly in Wellington-road North on Dec 21 I Constable Hardie said at 1-45 am he was called to an accident in Wellington-road North and was taking particulars when defendant came up and started interfering He asked him several times to go away hut he would not Defendant said he was going home in a taxi when he saw a man lying prostrate on the ground bleeding from the head He was inmental in sending for the ambulance He had had a few drinks and seeing the man on the ground upset him further The Chief Constable said defendant had made three previous appearances WALKER In loving memory of my dear Mother who passed away Dec 23 1933 also my dear Dad who passed away Feb 27 1919 I never knew the time was so near That I should lose a mother so dear God makes many wonderful things But only one Mother From her loving daughter Florrie and son-in-nw Eric 16 Piperhlll-avenue Northcnden The saddest day we ever knew Our dearest mother when we lost you From her loving daughter Jennie and Stanley 78 Thomson-street Memories are treasures uo one can steal Death leaves a heartache no one can heal Sadly missed By her loving Daughter son-in-law Jack and grandson Jack DOLAN In loving memory of my dear mother Mary Ellen Dolan who died in Canada Dec 27 1932 Ever remembered" From daughter Maggie and Family 22 Eliza-beth-street Stockport Just a thought of sweet From loving daughter and son-in-law Marie and Tom Iazo Comox British Columbia Canada All our Mantle Stock Greatly Reduced Come often and see our recurring offers issiiMiiraaastiMeMeMMftii EDGE In loving memory of our darling Barbara who died Dec 28 1932 IIow joyful is the thought that lingers When loved ones cross sea That when our labours here are ended With them we'll ever he From her loving Mam Dad and Beryl Yon left behind some aching hearts That loved you most sincere That never have and never will Forget you Barbara dear From her loving Brothers and Sisters 0 ft 0 0 1 ft ft 0 ft ft 0 0 ft ft 0 1 ft ft ft ft ft 1 ft I ft A broken chord in memory's harp Is sadly touched to-day From Connie and Norman MILLINERY DEPARTMENT FELT HATS at 111 FELT HATS at 211 MILLINERY 411 AND HAT SETS sizes 16 18 20 22 24 and 26 inches 611 and 711 REDUCED PRICES Our Sale Commences Next (Dec 30) at 2-30 pm GIBBS In loving memory of our dear Mother Who passed away Dec 28 1932 God call you home mother dear it was His will But how we wish you were with us still From loving daughters Ada and Florrie son-in-law Chris and Grandchildren Her memory is my dearest From sister Annie MONDAY Before Mr liarnshaw (presiding) Mr Ponsonby and Mr Craig UNABLE TO STAND A fine of 7s 6d was imposed on James Emerson (48) of no settled abode for being drunk and incapable in Houldsworth Square Reddish on Dec 21 Constable Wood said at 2-46 pm he went with the ambulance to Houldsworth Square and found Emerson very drunk and unable to stand unaided He had a slight injury to the face and was taken to the Infirmary where he received attention Defendant said he had a very bad cold and liad not bad a drink for a fortnight CYCLING ON UNION BRIDGE Leonard Bagulev of Harrytown Bredbury was summoned for riding a bicycle to the danger of passengers in Union-road on Nov 4 Constable Monk said he saw defendant ride the bicycle over Union Bridge and when spoken to he said I thought it was quite all right" Several persons were walking over the bridge Defendant said it would not happen again and a fine of 7s 6d was imposed REPORTING AN ACCIDENT Joseph Selby of Crosliy-strect was summoned for using a motor ear in respect of which no certificate of insurance against third party risks was in force on Oct 5 and Bosden Mills of London-road Hazel Grove was summoned for aiding and abetting inspector Smith said on Oct 5 defendants came to the Police Office and reported a slight accident in Stockholm-road in which a dog wa concerned When asked it they had an Constable Ilelsby said that when he saw insurance policy Mills produced one in the the younger defendant driving the cattle i name )l Arthur Allen a previous owner of along he asked him if he was tnS aware that foot-aud-mouth disease had r- i i Daniel solicitor who represented broken out at Adlington less than four miles tlie delcndunts said Mills purchased the away and defendant told him that a police-motor ear Irom a dealer who handed him man had called at the farm on the previous a certificate ol insurance which Mills con- evenin sideral covered him He lent the car to Sol Into convey a party to a concert 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 5 WINTER WINTER FUR FELT and VELVET ICO COAT to be cleared at 411 LEGGINETTE SETS at Please Note Monday 1 Papa aft JAP Constable Blaine said a notice was served on a relative of the defendants the same day HALL In loving memory of a dear Husband ftnd Father who died Dec 24 1933 Two years have passed since that sad day God called the one we loved away The call was sudden the shock severe We little thought the end was near From loving Wife and Children hd XMAS REVELS Macdoncll A A Visit to America: impressions of a three tour 1935 (9173) 5496 Macmillan Ebenezer Finding and following Christ 1935 (248) 5314 Mellor Bilibin (eds) Sound an alarm: true stories of rescues from danger I935J (904) 11967 Molony William New armour for old an autobiography 1935 (920) 11091 Muir Edwin Scottish journey: impressions of the present state of the country 1935 (9141) 7117 Mussey (ed) The Cream of the jesters: selections from the best American wit and humour 1934 illus (317) 8668 Nichols Beverley others How does your garden grow talks on gardens and gardening 1935 iilus (710) 7504 Moves Alfred The Unknown God 1934 (248) 10927 Paleologue Maurice The Turning point: three critical years 1904-1906 1935 illus maps (920) 2934 Paterson A Banjo Happy dispatches: a newspaper recollections of famous people 1935 illus (920) 11066 Pearson Francis Memories of a clerk 1935 illus (920) 10739 Porteous James A A The New Unionism: a programme of political and economic reorganisation 1935 (329) 26764 Prevost Marcel Clarisse sa fille 1935 (843) 57 Pritchard Laurence The Book of the aeroplane 3rd ed 1935 illus (62913) 4791 Redman Vere Japan in crisis: an impressions of the state of the country in recent years 1935 (952) 3333 Richardson Alan The Redemption of modernism: liberalism in religion 1935 (230) 676 Robson Phyllis Popular dogs: their breeds their care and management 1935 illus (6367) 9875 Rogers Stanley Tales of tlie fore-an-aft: adventurous voyages in small sailing -boats 1935 i I Ins (387 8509 Rose Felicitas (F Moersberger) Pastor Verdon: in Heideroman 1935 (833) 319 Russell Bertrand Religion and science 1935 (Home University Library) (215) 4422 Salmond Monica Bright armour: memories of four years of war as a hospital nurse 1935 illus (9409) 4409 Scheffer Paul Seven years in Soviet Russia with a retrospect 1935 (94708) 1127 Scudder Evarts Mirabeau 1935 illus (920) 13155 Shenton River work: constructional details 1935 diags (627) 41035 Shernff (' Jeanne de Casalis St Helena: a plav in twelve scenes 1934 (8229) 2943 Smith Historical architecture of Britain 1935 illus dings map (720) 6454 Smith Horace A Guide to draught-manship for architects civil and mechanical engineers and surveyors 2nd ed 1934 illus diags (62004) 7340 Squire Amos Sing Sing doctor: Li resident views on the prison conditions) 1935 illus (365) 7328 Stamp Dudley (ed) A Regional geography for Higher Certificate and Intermediate courses Vol 4: Asia 1934 maps (9107) 4294 Stewart William Profitable photography: a guide for the amateur plioto-grapher who wishes to enter the commercial market 1955 illus (770) 9786 Stoekern Hans Fischer Die Liebe um Hanne Borg und andere Novellen 1935 (833) 37816 Strange Nora Kenva to-dav 1934 illus (91676) 36598 Stucley Tlie Village organiser: meetings catering entertainments clubs societies etc 1935 illus (791) 6497 Swinton The Dinosaurs: a short historv of a great group of extinct reptiles 1934 illus (550) 36544 Thom Douglas A Everyday problems of the everyday child 1934" (1367) 3147 Thompson Bonar Hyde Park orator: the autobiography of an agitator 1934 illus (920) 13949 Tucker William Your stars of des- HALL In loving memory of our dear Brother Who died Dec 24 1933 Treasured memories of our dear brother To-day brings hack a memory Of a loved one gone to rest From his loving sisters Alice and Bessie Great Moor and Hyde LOCAL ACCIDENTS WINDOW FALL tin Friday evening Arthur Hamer (50) a window cleaner of 20 Gilinore-street was conveyed in the ambulance to the Infirmary suffering from injuries to the right ankle and shock caused by falling from a ladder whilst following his' occupation in Higher Hill gate SLIPPED ON THE ICE Gwendoline Monk (35) of 35 Haddon-voad Hazel Grove on Friday evening slipped on the ice in Haddon-road and sustained a simple fracture of the left leg She was taken to the Infirmary A MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR Frederick Wheeler (35) a window cleaner of 165 Cliestergate who was conveyed to the Infirmary on Saturday afternoon suffering from injuries to the face and head is supposed to have lieon taken ill suddenly and fallen A FALL On Sunday evening Lydia Wright (8) of 21 Gorsey Brow fell on the footpath outside the National Schools Spring Gardens and sustained an injury to her knee and shock After treatment at the Infirmary she was conveyed home TRAPPED BY A GIRDER John Walsh (50) of 3 Gough-street a goods porter was on Monday morning conveyed to the Infirmary suffering from a crushed left hand and shock caused by it being trapped ly an iron gilder which he was unloading at the CLC Goods Yard Wellington-road North COLLISION WITH LORRY DOOR On Tuesday a peculiar accident happened opposite the Chapel House Garage Wellington-road North in which Joseph Rickard (27) of 10 Corn-street Chorlton-on-Medlock sustained an injury to the right shoulder He was riding a pedal cycle and as he w'as passing a stationary motor lorry the door of the lorry Wits opened and the cycle ran into it with the result that Rickard fell under the lorry STREET FALL CAUSE8 INJURY John Waters (01 of Glebe-street sustained a lacerated wound over tlie left eye through falling in Greystoke-street on Tuesday night but after treatment at the Infirmary he was allowed to go home A HAZEL GROVE ACCIDENT On Wednesday afternoon Isaac Daniels (75) living in a lodging-house in ltidgway-lane was knocked down by a motor van in London-road Hazel Grove He was taken to the Infirmary suffering from compound fracture of the left leg and shock CHRISTMAS FALLS Three patients who were suffering from injuries sustained through street foils were taken to the Infirmary on Christmas Day Robert Bardsley (27 of Hempshaw-lane w'lio foil in Mersey Square had a lacerated wound over the left eye Mary Mullaney (34) of Howard-street fell in Hopes Carr on Tuesday and sustained a simple fracture of the left leg and William Peirce (31) of Grange-road Bramhnll who fell in Brnmlinll-lane had a bruise over the right eye Defendants were each fined 15s as tile offence and notification was made at (he farm the previous night Tn addition a notice had been posted on the highway pro-j hibiting the movement ol cattle I Both defendants pleaded that they had moved the cattle a distance of only 72 yards TUESDAY Before Mr Bateman (presiding) Mr I u' watered If the notices had been served Peirce Mrs Skuse and Mr Coupe 01 them personally the offences would not ipe HENDERSON Treasured memories of mother Jane Henderson who died Dec 23 1934 There Is a link death cannot sever Love and remembrance last for ever From All 159 Beech-road A beautiful memory of one we loved And a sigh for a face unseen But a constant feeling that God above Knoweth best what might have been From Son-in-law and granddaughter Janie 2 Grenville-strect HOPKINSON Treasured memories of dear Dad died Dee 25 1931 In memory's garden we meet every day" Annin and Family Woodsmoor community singing and individual turns The dance music was provided by The the members being Mr If Green-VI Higginbotham Colin Greenwood Mr wood Miss A Healey Miss A Wood Dave Cosgrove and Eric Scott With the exception of two all the members of the band are employees of the firm The individual turns consisted of The Vicar of Mirth (Mr Who had the company roaring with Ada and Her Winners (Miss A Wood and several juveniles of the firm) Stag Party and a violin solo by Miss A Healey All the artistes were employees of the firm and provided excellent entertainment One of the juniors George Bagnall was a big hit with his trumpet Prizes were presented by Mrs Williamson to the winners of the various games and were won by Miss Tonge Miss Drummond Mrs- Piiians Miss Horrid ge Miss Hoolev Mr Clough Mr Critehlev and Mr Donha vand Before the end of the festivities Mr Donbavand moved a vote of thanks to the firm for tlie excellent party they had provided and particularly thanked Mr it Singleton (manager) for acting as MC and Mr Greenwood (overseer) who not only organised the party but was responsible for tlie musical arrangements Mr Glenn seconded the SIXTH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY employees of Boon and Co printers of Waterloo-road Stockport held their sixtli annual Christmas party on Friday 20th inst at Cafe Market Place Before partaking of the Christmas fare Mr Singleton (manager) welcoming Mr Wigelsw orth (director) said that Mr Wigelsworth although a comparatively young man held a very responsible position ha ing complete control of the Policy-Holder and the firm So well did iie do his work that Boon and Co was a very prosperous and progressive firm Mr Wigelsworth said he was delighted to see everybody looking very happy amidst such a pleasant and gay atmosphere Particularly was he pleased to see Mr Williamson amongst the party Mr Williamson lie said had been with the firm a very long time and lie hoped that he would be with them many more years He thanked the party for extending an invitation to Mrs Wigelsworth He not only expressed his own greetings but those of Sir Harold Klverston AN AMICABLE AGREEMENT William Miller Kirton (25) of Charlotte-street was summoned for creating a breach of the peace in Charlotte-street on Dee 23 Constable Deplcdge said on Monday wife obtained a maintenance order against him and defendant promised the magistrates lie would give up the home He failed to keep his promise and his wife and children were walking tile streets all day In pluced on probation for twelve months the afternoon he went to the home with tlie Pyeeroft pleaded guilty to obtaining 7s In-wife and children and asked defendant to false pretences at Disley on June 14 and 10s have been committed Kac'i was fined 5s SALVATION ARMY TO ADOPT PRISONER NEW MILLS OFFENCES A condition that he should reside at a Salvation Army Hostel for six months was imposed by the magistrates when Joseph Pve-eroft (31) of The Bamford Mew Mills was HULME In loving memory of my dear husband and our father Henry Hulme who died Dec 27 1932 Three years have passed since that sad dav The one we loved was called away From his lovlug Wife and Children allow them to go into the horn to do so and began shouting He refused causing a He had to bring crowd to assemble bv means of a trick at Clieadle Hulme on Nov 14 and he also asked that seven additional eases oi obtaining money bv false pretences should be taken into account ft was stated bv Inspector Weathcrbv that accused had fifteen previous convictions against him for similar offences It was alleged bv the witnesses that lm ohtainod orders for firewood logs and tile-lighters and secured money in advance failed to deliver the goods Pyeeroft pleaded for another chance saving It cannot he very beneficial for me to keep but large him to the Police Office Constable Dutton corroborated Defendant denied that he made the promise to the magistrates and said Iris wife told him she had somewhere to go Defendant added that he had got a room and wanted his furniture for it An officer was sent to interview defendant's wife with the result that she agreed to hand In loving memory of my dear usband who died Dee 26 1934 Resting where no shadows fall In perfect peace awaiting all From his wife Mary and son George Mother id Dad Blue Bell Hotel Stockport who alt hough not often amongst the employees took the keenest interest in their welfare The firm Mr -Wigelsworth remarked wasivope of "thanks in the fortunate position that it was fully I Mr It Singleton and Mr Greenwood employed and did not suffer from short tune briefly replied and both expressed the senti-which he understood was the bugbear of Inent that they llad bfori amplv rPWar(lfHi quite a (few printing firms He concluded 1 1 wishing one and all a Merry Christmas ar Happy New Year Mr Greenwood (overseer) proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Wigelsworth whom he thanked for his generous donation to the part funds and also welcomed Mr Lyon 1 of the Manchester Office Staff Mr Donbavand said that as the FOC DISTRIBUTION OF MEAT Through the generosity of Mr Arnold Thecase'wadisiiiigsed under the Probation 2LBLt0 and back here I ask of Act on to cue me another chance and I will omimeis act I not be seen in a Police Court again I had intended to deliver the wood hut I had been in trouble and had not been able to get COUNTY SESSIONS I MJd 1 set the thance wit deliver I The Probation Officer (Mr A Hughes) told THU RSDA Mr Henry Bell DT the magistrates that Pvecroft was unable to (presiding) Mr A Darbyshire Dr Henry obtain work and had received nithmr- AMES In loving memory of our dear wife I mother Martha Alice James who died Dec Never forgotten Jy Husband and Sons (ELLY Treasured memories of my dear ighter Ethel who passed away Nov 27 1920 and representative of the workpeople generally "burn two tons of meat have boon distributed lie was pleased to second the vote of thanks among the poor of Stockport the quantities to Mr Wigelsworth He endorsed Mr ranging from 81 to 51b according to the i nchester office we of the family In all 500 vouchers had although they been distributed pon them as rocking with firm My job work as FuC saw an Donbavand a splendid opportunity to bring to the noticeoftlie tirmany complaints Account We can Offences foot- appearance of George Holland RECENT WILLS Mr Philip Henry Lang of Comp-stall-road Romiley auctioneer estate agent and accountant Mr George Frederic Bancroft estate agent to Lord Dundonald at Abergele formerly of Disley and Stockport You are getting lb ywiw Is lonely without you Ethel i ner loving Mother 5 Disley-street IARD In loving memory o' our dear sr Lucy who died Dee 30 1914 Years nro swiftly passing byj find still we forgot i Mother And Father 7 Rlaf-atrmtte supply your wants if you require as regards working' conditions and it is a 1 Memorandums pip Iny0lc-es Si Ke'nSSr I Exp Stockport' After this speech-making the company sat For Barometers and bramhall and his son Hector Holland Thev id if we adopt this lenient course are you were summoned for moving seven cows with- prepared to go?" the presiding magistrate "tiny: phvsicnl effects resulting from the out a license on Nov 27 The offences were asked prisoner influences of the stars 1935 (133) renlied' ake 1he opportunity sir Pyeeroft 611 Continued in next column The course mentioned above was pursued down to an excellent meal dancing games 19 Market Place Stockport.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.