The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2025)

www.runiberlink.roni Saturday. Feliruarv 25. 2XK. Thr Smlinrl. arlisir.

1 1 -635-Townhouses For Rent -635-Townhouses For Rent -825-Parts Accessories -810- Classic Specialty Autos -645-Rooms For Rent -810-Ctassic Specialty Autos -730-Farms And Farm Land -740-Houses For Sale -770-Manufactured Homes NEWVILLE, great country N. MIODLETON TWP. CARLISLE, 113 South close to law school. 2 bedroom. $650mo.

Call 576-7955. CARLISLE, recently remodeled 3 bedioom. $700 utilities. Security references. 240-8609.

TRUCK FLAT BED 0a-mondpiatesleel, Would also nake traner $200. Call 776-5435. SHERMANSDALE, dou FORD, 1983 LTDil. All original, needs minor repair. S500ODO.

Call 243-7519. 3RD PERSON WANTED TO SHARE HOUSE with 2 males. $200mo. Utilities included. Call 532-7296, ask for Al.

location. 2-story, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-car garage. Move-in condition! Priced to sell! Call 776-3175. BUICK, Convertible. V6 In very good condition, needs TLC $8.0007 obo 249-7225.

1860 brick farmhouse, 8 rooms, 1.5 bath, 3 car garage, 2 acres, stream. 243-8705. CARLISLE, 2 bedroom, 1 with appliances. $61 5'mo. No pels.

Call 245-0082. blewide lots. It you're 55, tired of living in a park, check out cur 2 acre lots. We'll set up lor your accommodations. Visit our model lot.

Call 582-3752. W. PENNSBORO TWP. MERCEDES 1972 250. 4 door.

$950. Meicury 1 977 Cougar 7 $1,500. Call 732-4372 -840-RVTravel Trailers EFFICIENCIESROOMS Day'wk low rates, utilities paid TV, HBO, phone, refrigerator. Call Pike Motel, 249-3120. BUICK.

1988 Heatta. Ail original, lull power, ne tires. 195 400 mi. Very good condition except for paint. $4,500.

Call 717-256-0459. -740-Houses For Sale CARLISLE, 3 bedroom, 1 .5 bath, kitchen with appliances. $665mo. No pets. Call 245-0082.

CARLISLE N. MIDDLETON TWP. 3 bedrooms. 1 .5 baths, kj. Irving room, full basement, deck, heat pump.

CA. Off-st. parking $800mo. Call Wayne Deakin WOLFE SHEARER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 240-5073 or 1-800-733-3027. Open house Feb.

19th, 8 Bloserville Rd. 3 bedroom, 2 5 bath, 2 story, wrap around front porch, 2 car garage, heat pump CA, Ig corner lot. $225,000. Call 245-0860. PORSCHE 914.

1S73 5 speed 84 orig nai mi Black. Removable top. Good condition $5,200 obo. Call 530-5702 CLASS 1 990 motor Knrinner hv Fleet -650-Wanted To Rent ChEVY, 1969 El Camino. 6 3 speed, 98 original $4,500.

Call 582 3145. CARLISLE, near Mayapp-le Like New 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath. No pets. $680 mo. utilities.

Call 249-5446 or 249-4607. Transportation -750-Lots And Acreage -825-Parts Accessories First Time Buyer Programs: wood. 454 Chevy, low mi Seit contained many extras Excellent condition should be seen. $22 500'negotiable. Call 71 7-243-5369 FOURWINDS.

class (C) motor home Ford V-10 69k mi. Stored inside $21,900 Call 258-3247 or 71 7-385-1 111. CHEVY, 1986 ElCammo Classic. 4 3. V6.

auto. Burgundy, sport buckets, tack, loaded. Original owner. Excellent. 554-7545.

GO-CART, Eclipse Chase SPACE, at least 1,100 sq. ft. for business purpose-s. Call 614-441-3053 before 10 pm. CARLISLE S.

MIDDLETON TWP. Beach Place townhouse at 37 Pine St 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1,300 sq.ft., 1-car garage patio. Brand new! $950mo. utilities. Homeowners Assoc.

Call Wayne Deakin WOLFE SHEARER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 240-5073 or 1-800-733-3027. LONGS GAP RD. 1 .42 acres. Creek view, delightful setting. $32,000.

By owner. 249-7001 CARLISLE N. MIDDLETON TWP. 3 bedroom, 2 5 baths, heat pump.CA, washerdryer hook-ups. Oft-st.

parking $750mo. utilities. No pets, smoke free. Call Wayne Deakin WOLFE SHEARER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 240-5073 or 1-800-733-3027. 01 Ensor5 motor rebuilt, vortec clutch, gears 62-67, Micron 3 tech, tires 33-44 one set never used other accessories.

$1 .700 obo Call Dan 226-8112. STAR, 1997 Flatbed 14h 10" sides loading ramp endgates. Very good shape. $1,400. 582 8499 TIRES, two 255 70R- 16 snow tread.

Mounted on 5 bolt hole wheels from Ford pickup. New $95pair. Call 243-5680. KIT CAR. 1952 MG.

All new chrome parts, white convertible top purple paint. Excellent condition Call 1-240-217-6552. -760- HERITAGE, 2005 36 Fully selt-contamed, A washer ''dryer. Will deliver. $22,000.

Call 301-991-9S95. -670-Mobile Home Lots For Rent I Mobile Homes 100 Financing Closing Cost Assistance Not-So-Perfect Credit Low Interest Rates as Low as 1 NO MONEY NO PROBLEM We have lots of financing options for all income categories. Closing cost down payment assistance too! Call Today 258-8800 Sites For Sale SMfeRiunWRHge! -610-Apartments for Rent -610-Apartments for Rent (-610-Apartments for Rent hunting LEIBY'S, Like new 1996 doublewide. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, ramp. $49,000.

766-1802 or 486-4497. MOVE-IN SPECIAL 2 months FREE lot rent! Surrounded by State Game Land. Immediate availability. Lot rent is $230month. On-site nome liMffajFresh MOBILE HOME.

28x72.4 bedrooms. 2 bath. Pre-mier Mobile Home Sales, LLC, 367-3995. Call Joe, 880-9967. watersewer billed monthly.

DAWN AND ASSOCIATES uouoie lots available at discount. Contact CROSSROADS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT at 1 Efficienciesone and two bedrooms 1 Free hot water heat gas cookins Check the classified first Some private entrances Homes 717-236-8903 for details. PINE RIDGE VILLAGE BOILING SPRINGS, by owner. 22 N. Acorn Dr.

$279k. 249-7937. http: physics. dickinson. edujacksondhouse 147 Amy Dr.

Located Rt. 34N, Cranes Gap Road. Lots, rentals sales available. Call 249-3574. On site management and maintenance Laundry facilities Free Storage Off street parking Flexible lease terms Move in as low as APARTMENTS Mr ta hi it rtffi lit iivpre TarnoaukamM? QntdtdNfalrtlint.

717-243-1 1 13 SHERMANS DALE, sin COIN AND CURRENCY Rowe's Auction Service (RH 79-L) 2505 Ritner Highway, Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone: (717) 776-6769 for List or Directions: 6 Miles South of Carlisle on U.S. Route 1 1 between exits 37 (Newville) and 44 (Plainfield) off Int. 81 or Exit 16 of the Pennsylvania Turnpike and follow 81 South. TUESDAY. MARCH 7.

2006 5:00 P.M. Outstanding private collections, 375 lots, Proof mint sets, SILVER Dols, Indian cents, Barbers. Buffalos, Key coins, Super condition Type Coins. BustSeated, Folders complete: Halves, Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, Cents, Gold Pes, Bulk Silver, Wheaties, Paper Money, Forgeign Coins, Canadian, Franklin Mint Medals, RED BOOKS 1947 1" Ed. thru 2005.

Preview 2:00 PM Auction Day. PA Checks or Cash. No Buyers Premium Email for List: bobrowepajiet CARLISLE. $299,900 5 bed, 2 bath, 2500 sq. ft.

Mooreland schools. Craig 717-701-3636 or gle double wide lots for rent in Orchard Hills. 582-8043 or 243-8228. nil fur fetiils OPEN HOUSE EVERY SATURDAY SUNDAY 1 TO 4 P.M.

one car garage vjMV Hours: -f Mon -Fri. 9-6 Sat -105 first -710- Commerical Property 10.14.hcd STl nwwiiamiuiioj mm ft a CARLWYNNE MANOR HANOVER MANOR CARLISLE, 2-3 bedroom, 1 bath, garage. Excellent condition. 1 block from college. $114,000.

Seller help with closing costs. Call 243-4261. "aytaiV Pived driveway Stamp niKmr tdcalk CARLISLE, downtown near Dickinson College 6 apartment units, 2 re tail spaces. In historic district. Investment NEWVILLE, handyperson special! Grahams opportunity.

Off-st Woods Rd. 2,200 sq. parking. Approximately 5,200 sq. ft.

Asking $249,900. Call Wayne Deakin for details, 717- OPEN HOUSE Sunday, February 26 1-3 p.m. 3 bedroom on 3.4 acres with stream. New windows. Detached 1 ,800 sq.

ft. garage workshop. 240-5073 or 800-377 3027.MLS10125216 $147,000. 3B5-3117. 7 Are You 62 or Older? i I Do You Want to Own Your Own Home? WEEKLY PUBLIC AUCTION EVERY MONDAY MTE Starting at Inspection starts at Location: Central PA Wholesale, 876 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle, PA 17013 "The Old Lumber Yard" Next Sale February 27th Partial Listing; Nice Selection of Old Furniture, Oak, Mahogany, etc.

Old Glassware, Cast Iron Toys, Old Prints, New Items, Food Products, "New Auction Highlights; Rare 1847 Colt Walker pistol serial 17 of 950 24k gold washfactoryngnfted mint condition other guns Colt AR15, Remington model 700 7mm 08, Mossberge Uga. model 590 police riot gun, Marlin 22 magnum rifle, SmithWesson semi-automatic 380. Salt Pepper collection, 100's of salt peppers, 750 Yamaha motorcycle (as is), plus many other surprises. Still unpacking boxes! "We've got something for everyone!" Terms of sale: Cash, Master Card, Visa, or Discover Cards, or a Good PA Check with I D. L.1...-.?j" a- mwm: A luad 2 1 Prickly Pear Driv (Hillcrest Farms West) Just finished this week! Gorgeous 3152 sq.

ft. gem by quality builJer Galen Anderson. Spectacular 17' ceramic foyer, huge family room with vaulted ceiling, handsome walnut eat-in kitchen with ceramic flooring, elegant formal rooms, first floor "knotty pine" enclosed porch, monster master suite with huge walk-in and whirlpool tub and custom designed sitting area, private lot with OFFERED AT $369,900 Buz Wolfe, CRS (owner), Dave Boldosser, Realtor Directions: Rt. 34 (Spring Rd.) to left on Longs Gap Road, 1.7 miles to left on Prickly Pear Drive. gDa You Affordable Utility Bills? The Perry Green Building Housing Corporation, in cooperation with the Perry County Commissioners, is offering for sale new townhouses which feature state of the art design to dramatically reduce utility costs.

Three end units are still available. Affordable one floor living at its best! These townhouses, located on Petersburg Lane in Penn Township, have two bedrooms, one full bath, 12 bath with laundry, eat-in kitchen, living room and side patio and front courtyard, 1,000 sq. ft. of living space! These homes are reserved for buyers 62 years of age or older who have not owned a home in the past three years, or have owned a mobile home, but not the land on which it is located, or have sold their home due to a divorce. Price: $87,500 due at settlement.

$3,000 in assistance toward closing costs is also provided by the seller. These homes are eligible for USDA Rural Development 100 financing which could provide a loan as low as 1 depending upon the buyer's household income. These homes are affordable! waiaai ATTENTION: Consignments weekly auctions held every Monday night, sell your items the fast easy way, low commissions, fast turn your items into cash. ESTATES, or One Item. ANTIQUES, L'sed Furniture, Collectibles, Call us or stop by, for a free '1 y.mvAVC'tesh8arsr.ccni 3TE Mil consultation.

Phone (717) 243-9720 i fvl i'n hamuli OLD litf iff fi I'V-VnM" bum ma till The Seetieel Classified 1, Our Ad Cash in your Pocket Your Stuff CM mm.

The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2025)


Who was buried in old graveyard in Carlisle Pennsylvania? ›

The graveyard is the burial ground for 550 Civil War veterans including the drummer boy for the 1st U.S. Calvary, Charles Seebold. This is also the burial site for Mary Hays McCauly who is better known as Molly Pitcher, recognized for her bravery during the Revolutionary War.

Why is Carlisle, PA famous? ›

Carlisle and Cumberland County played significant roles in the American Revolutionary War. The Cumberland Valley area contributed supplies, food, weapons, and most importantly, soldiers to the fight for independence. The Carlisle Barracks, the second-oldest Army post in the United States, served as supply headquarters.

What is the phone number for the Carlisle Sentinel? ›

Contact 1-866-589-4469 or email for additional information.

What is cumberlink? ›


The Sentinel is the news and information leader in Carlisle and Cumberland County and delivers award winning news, sports, community information and local advertising on multiple platforms.

What cemetery is Tammy Wynette buried in? ›

Woodlawn Memorial Park is one of the largest cemeteries in Nashville, known as a site where many prominent country music personalities are buried including Porter Wagoner, George Jones, Tammy Wynette, and Eddy Arnold. It is located 660 Thompson Lane, a site rich in history.

Where is the oldest grave in America? ›

According to archaeologist Larry Lahren of Livingston, a two-year-old child and dozens of stone artifacts were buried together by late ice-age hunters 11,000 years agoat the base of a rocky bluff along a bend in the upper Shields River.

What is the ethnicity of Carlisle PA? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2022, there were 11.1 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (16.3k people) in Carlisle, PA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 1.47k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 711 Two+ (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What is the oldest building in Carlisle PA? ›

The congregation eventually moved into town and built the First Presbyterian Church in 1757. Today, it is the oldest public building in Carlisle.

What is Carlisle best known for? ›

Carlisle is famous for Hadrian's Wall. Infact, this is the most important piece of Carlisle's history, and of Cumbria.

What is the phone number for Sentinel safe? ›

The SentrySafe Customer Care line is available from 7:30 AM CST – 5:00 PM CST Monday thru Friday. Please call us at 800-828-1438.

Where is Carlisle Company's headquarters? ›

What is the number for Carlisle? ›

The Carlisle area code which is the 01228 area code is counted as a 4-digit area code.

Who owns the Carlisle Sentinel? ›

The Sentinel entered cyberspace early with the launch of in July 1995. Lee Enterprises, a leading publisher of small and mid-sized newspapers based in Davenport, Iowa, purchased the newspaper in 2002 along with 15 other Howard Publications newspapers.

Where is the Sentinel? ›

The Sentinel is a 7,120+ ft (2,170+ m) elevation Navajo Sandstone summit located near the Court of the Patriarchs in Zion National Park, in Washington County of southwest Utah, United States, that is part of the Towers of the Virgin. The national park map lists the elevation as 7,157-feet.

What cemetery is William Blake buried in? ›

Bunhill Fields is a Nonconformist burial ground dating from the 1660's and the site of around 123,000 burials. It's the final resting place of John Bunyan, Isaac Watts, Daniel Defoe and William Blake, along with many other leading intellectuals, radicals and clergymen from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

Who are the famous graves in Moravian Cemetery? ›

The Moravian Cemetery is the burial place for a number of famous Staten Islanders, including members of the Vanderbilt family. The director Martin Scorsese also has a burial plot here.

Who were the people who buried their dead in mounds? ›

The Adena people were the first Native Americans to build ceremonial mounds. In other parts of the world, ceremonial burials had occurred much earlier.

Who was buried in the Soldiers National Cemetery? ›

In addition to the more than 3,500 Union soldiers buried here, the cemetery contains the remains of American soldiers and dependents from the Civil War to Vietnam.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.